Paris Peace Conference

An Armistices had been signed, ending the fighting in the first world war. All nations involved agreed to all go Paris in order to discuss a peace agreement that would end the War. The allies came into the conference, in a more powerful position even though the Germans had not surrendered the allies were the unofficial winners of the war, all allied nations excluding the United States wanted something from the Germany and Germany attended the conference prepared to defend themselves from the attacks they were going to receive.

The French were the most aggressive towards the Germans as they had been invaded by them during the War, being represented by Georges Clémenceau they wanted Germany to pay reparations and wanted to restrict them Economically and Military in order to prevent them from ever being able to invade France again. This request while harsh is understanding as since they were the battle ground for the wars which means their people were most affected during the war, which makes it understandable that they would be bitter towards the Germans and want them to pay.

The British were interested in restoring their former naval power, as during the war Germany was competing with German in order to become the new naval super power. This went against British policy which was to have their navy be two times as big as the worlds second largest navy. They wanted prevent Germany from being able to come close to the British naval party which they were working towards during the War.

The United States represented by their President Woodrow Wilson, wanted to come out of the conference with an agreement that would prevent a war from happening ever again. They wanted everyone to go easy on Germany in order to prevent any resentment and he wanted to come out of it with an agreement which would prevent the nations from going into another war. They wanted to this by creating the league of nations. They also wanted to give equal rights to the seas and economies to all European nations to allow them to all rely on each other to make war less realistic.

German believed that they were being unfairly attacked and they felt like all nations committed atrocities since it was war they did what they had to do to win. They felt like they shouldn’t be mistreated because of it. They felt like they were being unfairly attack and that the other nations were not listening to their point and they just wanted Germans to pay them weather Germany agreed to it or not.

The Paris Peace conference was a very momentous event, that affected global politics for decades to come and was also one of the main causes for the second World War as due to what was done to Germany in the peace discussions.